Friday evening we were finishing up putting out the Christmas decorations for our first open house. Darrin was working on unwrapping Bobby Sue's nutcrackers. I took one of the boxes that I thought just had ornaments in it and moved it to the kitchen. The counters were full of stuff so I set the box on the stove and was going to tape it shut in a few minutes. As usual I got distracted and started putting ornaments on the upside down tree. I said to Darrin it smells like something is burning. He said it sure does and we both headed toward the kitchen. Just as Darrin came around the corner the box on the stove burst into flames. Darrin knocked it off the stove onto the floor and started flinging the items out of the box. Two boxes of ornaments and four nutcrackers wrapped in paper. He ran outside with the box and I tried to put our the paper around the nutcrackers and get them out of harms way. Darrin ran back into the house and grabbed the squirter on the sink and squirted everything. Ashes were everywhere half way up the white cabinets. They were floating through the air and I was spatting at them and Darrin thought I was on fire and squirted me. From head to toe I was soaked.
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