Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Tuesday Elko to Evanston, WY

Morning came too quick! Breakfast was rushed. The team hurried to get across the street to get their instructions for the day.

Mallory drew a 98 for the order of leaving for Wednesday.

As a normal routine the girls clean the car and check under the hood.

They also go get instructions 30 minutes before the race and mark them up for the day.

Before we knew it they were off.  Shortly after as we were loading the luggage from the rooms Darrin got a phone call from Scott.  We rushed to the side of the interstate to fix a wire that had come loose on the speedo.

It was a long drive across the state of Nevada.

We drove through 47 miles of the Bonneville Salt Flats. I pulled over on the side of the interstate so Ashley and I could walk on the salt flats.

We each collected a little bit of the salt and clay from the flats.  We didn't have any plastic bags to put it in so we used the wrappers from the chocolate chip cookies the hotel had given us.
We saw the Great Salt Lake and drove through Salt Lake City.

We arrived in Evanston just a few hours before the team. 

Darrin got the excursion washed and I did laundry.  Ashley took a nap.

We headed to the finish line to wait for the car to come in.  Ashley and I went to get something to eat from the train depots Machine shop where they had food for us.

We stood by the fence for a long time waiting for the team to come in.  When you start in 98th position you are near the end to arrive.  Watching the last 30 or so cars to arrive in the sun felt good.
Finally the arrived.  They had broke down on the last leg. Cost them 2 minutes.  The way the scoring works that they throw away the worst leg of each day except the second to last day.

Scott found a survey flag and fabricated to jump the distributor. He was inspired by the story of the Thomas Flyer on the New York to Paris trip where they fabricated a bearing from melted tin and cast in sand.

Scott parked the car and Darrin went to work on it.  It was almost time to leave and Darrin and Peter needed to go get parts. 

I went to check out the round house and see if I could still ride the turn table.  It was exciting to get to drive it.  It took a few tries, but I eventually got the tracks to line up.

Mallory and Ashley enjoyed running the turn table.  Mallory got the tracks to line up on the first try.  They said that they would hire her on the spot back in the day.

Scott had a turn at the turn table as well.

The team had a time of 2:08.04 and came in 81st for the day and dropped to 38th place over all.  After the adjusting of the time they ended the day with 12:.12 second day.

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