Tuesday, May 2, 2023

May Day May Day

We divided into two groups.  Password for the day "you are odd or you're not". Odd and even cars were divided into two groups.  

Our instructions needed to be decoded. We were car 35.  The made us a bit on the odd duck side. At 8 am sharp our group met to leave out on the first day of the tour.  
Following the instructions carefully, our first stop was at the Museum of Science and Energy.
Barrett enjoyed his time in the interactive Museum. Highlight was the Three D printed automobile. The motorized Robe Goldberg machine was a hit. (Even hit Joyce with a rouge ball that came flying out).
We climbed in our cars and toured through the city to the coffee break at Melton Lake Park hosted by Explore Oak Ridge.  The park boasts of it's "Run of The River" kayak course.  We had a group photo in front of the Oak Ridge Police vehicle all wearing Bob's Speed shop T-shirts. They served coffee and muffins.
While there, you had the chance to tour the Kayak storage facility with single kayaks up to 60 foot long ones.
After the stop we proceeded back in time to the Appalachia Museum where we all were fed pulled pork or chicken. 

We walked through the homesteads and building that had so many items on displayed. The peacocks drew a lot of attention.  They were out strutting their feathers for us all to enjoy.
Barrett joined in with the dulcimer band.  He played the antique percussion instrument that was a toy on a stick and a board that he taped to make the toy dance.

The afternoon we drove through some very beautiful back road country. We visited the TVA built Norris Dam. Before finding the visitor center at the top of the dam we had the opportunity to get a photo. We took the time to walk out on the dam.
We had a little bit of humor as we tried to fill Henry's Model A with electricity as it was parked in the charging station.  Henry Ford explored many way to fuel vehicles in his day including electricity.
We drove over the dam to the dam overlook.  
The road back seemed to go downhill forever. The crazy S curves and blind hills were a thrill to travel on. 

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