Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Thoughts and Prayers

The past 10 days have been just a whirl wind of emotions... thoughts... prayers.... questions... prayers... and blessings.  With Dad being sent home from the VA with hospice care came a new season for Darrin and I. 

I have thought about what a great man my Dad has been.  I remember the moments when he took us trick or treating when we were small and the trips to see Santa.  The parades, theater, symphony, hikes, mountain climbing, camping, Boy Scout events all have great memories including the Minute Man walk we took when I was about 8.  The $20 I found on the ground and Dad hung on to it for me and the many times over that I asked for part of that to spend.

Dad took us all to see the "World" at least twice a year.  We would pile into the station wagon and travel across country Mom, Dad, Milo, Wendy, Liz, Me, Trish and Pam along with Dolly the black lab and two cats Puff and Ruff.  We saw places like Carlsbad Caverns; Rockport, Maine; The Giant Redwoods; Kennedy Space Center and lots of time in the Mobile area at the river.

God gave me Darrin 10 years ago.  He knew what He was doing. Darrin has been just amazing in all that he is willing to do.  He has given up events that he has looked forward to for the better part of a year in order to be there for me.  He has cared for Dad in ways that a son-in-law should not have to.

From day to day I do not know what is in store.  Learning the lesson to just trust.