Sunday, September 25, 2016

58 Years

 September 24, 2016 marks 58 years of marriage for Herb and Nancy Thoms.  Where else would you celebrate than at the car warehouse?

     Weeks of planning and inviting payed off.  Nancy bought a few decorations and a few balloons.  I made a cake and Nancy brought some drinks.  Slowly one by one family arrived. Then friends began to arrive.

      Nancy is one of the sweet Adeline's.  The group sang 5 songs that told the story of the Thoms in song.  It was so sweet to watch.

      After the songs they cut the cake. Then Herb spoke.  He said he wanted to highlight 3 years cause he didn't have time to talk about each.  The first was 1963 when Herb went to Vietnam and left Nancy in charge of the kids.  The second was in 1964 when Herb went to Vietnam and left Nancy in charge.  And again in 1965 when Herb went to Vietnam and left Nancy in charge of the kids.  Nancy spoke up and said I am still in charge of the kids.  We all laughed.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Just a Giggle

Do you know how to make three women giggle?  This morning at work I was standing in the front office area with two other women and a man walked in the hallway and just stood there.  Then he says "I'm Lost".  The three of us all giggle and show him the way to the door.

This made us laugh because we know very little about men but we do know if a man is lost, asking for directions is like admitting defeat. He had to ask for assistance. He couldn’t figure it out for himself. How humiliating!

You hear the expression "If all else fails, read the directions"  I looked  that expression up and this is what our wonderful internet had to say: what you can do if everything else you have tried has been unsuccessful; a last resort.
Synonyms: Band-Aid, emergency, expedient, impromptu, improvised, makeshift, practical, provisional, rough-and-ready, rough-and-tumble, stop-gap, substitute, temp, temporary, throwaway.

This got me thinking about how God reacts when we say to Him "I Am Lost."  Of course there is the big I'm lost. When you ask Jesus into your heart and you let go and let God.  The most important event in your life!

After that there are so many days when you just stop and say "I am lost."  Does God just giggle and open the door for us?