Tuesday, June 26, 2012

All In Song

Tevye from Fiddler On The Roof was not a Christian man.  He really explained how easy it is to choose the things of this earth.
"If I Were A Rich Man"

Beverly Shea sang a beautiful song about what it really means.
"I'd Rather Have Jesus"  more than any gold or silver.

Going to Israel and visiting the places that Jesus walked, where He was, where He prayed..."I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked"  felt His presence there,, where all alone He prayed.

"Sweet Little Jesus Boy"  You came to save us and take our sins away.  Please sir, forgive us Lord.

Words fail to describe whar\t being a Christian means to me. What Jesus did for me.
"Christ Means More to Me"  more than I can possibly show.

This country needs Jesus more now than ever.  I am proud to be an American
"God Bless The USA"

Monday, June 25, 2012

MFuge 2012

Fuge was amazing!  I was in Games and Rec.  Camp wide we had 20 salvations.  Jennifer was our track leader.  Bill was the other adult in our group and we had 18 students.  We would leave for site and Bill being a fireman would be in a hurry to get there.  He would run red lights.  He would travel across four lanes to go a different direction.  Very difficult to follow. 

Kyle is the one that I spent a little bit of time with.  He shared his story with me,  He is very good at sports.  He played basket ball constantly.  Then on Friday morning God said " Kyle if you are not going to slow down and share your story with these kids I will slow you down."  Kyle came down on a boy after dunking a basket and rolled his ankle. Kyle immediately started conversation with several boys.  At lunch he choose to share Bible time.  Starting in Genus and then sharing Matthew.  By the afternoon Kyle had lead 4 of the boys to Christ.

I connected with Ameer.  He is the sweetest boy ever.  He is supper smart as well.  When I asked Ameer what he was going to go to college for he said that he probably would not finish High School.  He said that nobody in his family finished High School.  I was very sad that this straight A student felt that way.  Just because of location.  Just because of family history. 

I need to figure out how to make a difference in someones life right where I am, in Huntsville.  I need to find a local Ameer that I can inspire.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Venus in Tranist

Look -- up in the sky.  The small black dot on the face of the sun is a transit of Venus  -- the heavens aligning so that the planet Venus marches slowly across the disc of the sun.

It was a last-time-in-a-lifetime spectacle, one that only happens when Venus, the second planet in the solar system, comes directly between Earth and the sun. Because of the complexities of orbital mechanics, there are two such alignments in a period of eight years -- the last was on June 8, 2004 -- followed by a break of more than a century.  Next transit is December 10, 2117.

Bobby Sue, Darrin and I stood in the back yard with welding helmets on and stared at the sun until we could see the tiny little dot at 1 o'clock.  It was exciting to know that we had taken the moment to look.  A stop and smell the roses event. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Wow time flys

8 and 1/2 months and getting such a personality!!

He really looks like he likes the hat and the flower....

Not so much.  He did not like the grass.  He did not like the hat on his head.  And that flower... just get it away as fast as possible.