Thursday, July 23, 2020

Day 120..

Barrett wanted to make cupcakes. We all have eaten to many! 

Purchased the books Barrett needs for school today. One was the Bible and when showing his Daddy we were talking about reading them. Barrett said" there are 1469 pages" and I said "you will read them all" and With great big eyes he said "at once?" 

Tonight we went to dinner at San Miguel's (on the back patio). Of coarse the tropical storm had to rain on our parade. We moved and it was fine. I am packed and ready for the 4 day break. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Day 119...

Morning starts with the daily ritual of making three different breakfasts.  I now have this down to a science. For Barrett it is "GiGi it is to bright" and I am cold." For Kathy is is "Where am I?" and "hello."  but breakfast and the trip out the door to get to day camp and work on time is fast and furious. Work again today was very busy with no time to waist.

Between time to picking up Barrett and getting off work I went shopping for his school supplies   It was weird to be in the supply isle and be the only one.  With school on delay and starting September 1 and online only (not in the classroom) nobody is in a hurry to get school supplies'

As storm moved in just as we were going to go for our walk.

 After work we finished up the cupcakes.  Barrett cracked the eggs all by himself.  After eating dinner we decorated the cup cakes.  The monster cupcakes turned out awesome!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tis the Season

Day 118...When a season last way to long for your own liking you wonder what you did to deserve it.  Keep in mind this is not about me or you.  There is something much bigger going on than what meets the eye.  Some say political and some say spiritual.  I am totally convinced it is spiritual.

This is day 118 of the time I have had Kathy in my home.  Barrett joined us the Monday after Easter.  We have had some crazy adventures and some very hard moments.  I posted on Facebook for 101 days something for each day.  Always looking for the positive in what we were doing.

Today, I was up early and I got ready for work.  I had about 20 minutes to myself and I really didn't want to listen to Kathy babel, grunt and yell so I ventured outside for my 20 minutes of peace before the dual breakfast making.

I sat under the carport in a chair because the ones on the porch were still wet from the morning dew.  I played a stupid game on my phone that I am on level 2419.  (Yes I have been playing it for years.)  The time was very hot but so welcome. 

Time was up way to soon and off I went to making Kathy her breakfast and making Barrett his.  Kathy spent the day with a sitter, Barrett at day camp and me, I went to work and never got a break to just relax or do something stupid.  I have to be happy that our business is booming!  I just keep thinking about the Christmas bonus this year.  We are up 30% over last year and last year was the best year ever.

After work we all went for a walk and Barrett rode his bike.  Barrett stopped and talked to everybody.  He even followed a neighbor to pet his dogs.  After dinner, Barrett and I made cupcakes.  and the little guy is very good at cracking eggs.